Lola Cadham gives birth to Ana Cadham.


Adam Spencer marries Ama Cadham.


Stive Noneman marries Amanda Cadham.

Ana Cadham gives birth to Roy Spencer


Amanda Noneman gives birth to Peter Noneman.

Ana Spencer gives birth to Oliver Spencer


Ana Spencer gives birth to Eric Spencer.


Amanda Noneman gives birth to Elissa Noneman.


Stive and Peter Noneman are killed.

Amanda Noneman sells the carpenter shop to Chris Barrington.

Julie Warren gets her sister in law, to run the dairy nest to the inn, The Old Witch.



Midsummer Melanie Noneman is daffing to the dairy, to ask her sister in law, Amanda Noneman, for an accommodation for Captain Nicolas Meligan.

Had your sister, Julie Warren, asked, I would had answared no, but since you're asking, I make a bed for Captain Nicolas Meligan, Amanda Noneman answars and makes a bed to the Captain.


Christmas Julie Warren immediately takes Joy at her arms, and rushes to her sister in law, Amanda Noneman, at the dairy at the inn, to announce there is a witch at the inn.

Knowing how agritated her sister in law can be, Amanda Noneman doesn't belive her, but promis to go out on the sqware, to see what's going on, if Julie could look after Elissa, while she's out there.

Since Julie Warren is verecurrious and her son, Ricky Warren is at the castle, Julie has no objection to it.

In the evening, Sir William of Wondon, Philip Arden and Ricky Warren are arriving at the town, they are met by a crowd of peoples outside the sheriff's office, who want to see, what's going on.

Sir William of Wondon is addressing Sheriff Boris Smith and the father of Ricky, Micheal Warren, who's surrounded by Bradley and Frederic Owens, Keith and Emma Valdor, Chris Barrington, Amanda Noneman and Miranda Calzone, who had comed out to see what's going on.

While Sheriff Boris Smith is watch, Sir William of Wondon have a look at the coins in the purse Micheal Warren presenting him, and sais: I don't know how witch coins look like, but thise coins looks bewitched.

It's getting dark now, and I can't see a ting, but tomorrow I'll go on a witch-hunting, Sir William of Wondon says.

Loudly Sir William of Wondon shouts: Tomorrow I'll going to chase this witch, and if I catch her, I'll drown her in the well of the Castle and send her head to Princess Donna. There is notting I can do now, but I stay in the town tonight, so everybody is safe now.

Do you have an accommodation for me and Philip Arden, at the inn, Sir William of Wondon asks Micheal Warren? I'll like to start the hunt the witch, early tomorrow.

Micheal and Ricky Warren, Bradley and Frederic Owens, Keith and Emma Valdor, Chris Barrington, Amanda Nonemanand and Miranda Calzone follow Sir William of Wondon into the The Old Witch.

At The Old Witch, Elissa Noneman awaits her mother.

Ricky Warren takes the chance, and provedly tells Elissa Noneman, that the witch turned him into a toad, because his cousin is not likely to kiss him anyway.

Elissa Noneman looks confused at her cousin, but before she can answar, Julie Warren with his sister at her arm, grap him, and wants him in bed.

Amanda Noneman wants Elissa in bed, too, and she's following her mother into their own domisil.